Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Be Free!

You can't truly be creative until you kick out that judge. The judge is the big ,scary,thing that's always breathing down your neck. It may be that disapproving look from your teacher, or the judge may actually be you judging yourself. Either way that judge is watching your every move and trying to nitpick every little detail you try and create. The judge keeps you from trying to open up and take risks because it makes you feel that everything you create is a stupid mistake.

During the creative process, the judge has to go! How can you "kick out the judge"? One way is to have a free write. Set the clock for about five minutes put your pencil to the paper or your fingers on the keyboard and get writing! Let out all of your thoughts and ideas,don't ever stop or erase! Kick out that judge and get going! Another way is to have your daily rituals. They make you feel safe, comfortable, and judge free. Trust me, kicking out the judge will get you alot farther.